Eagle Labs Launch

Eagle Labs Launch

Last night saw the launch of the first Barclays Eagle Lab in Scotland, right here in CodeBase. Our events space and Hotdesking area were packed with entrepreneurs, designers, corporates, academics, and developers, all creating an incredible buzz. When we weren't stuffing our faces with street food and drinking some tasty Fallen Brewing beer, we got to see some of the new devices in action and meet the users who were excitedly discussing projects.

The benefits of coworking spaces

Picture the scene: you’re working on a vital, time sensitive piece of work, or on the phone to an important client and the door bell goes. Or the cat starts screeching. Or the window cleaner needs a refill. It’s hardly the perfect environment to run your burgeoning startup.

The above scene may sound a tad ridiculous but it’s an increasingly common scenario as the vast majority of self-employed or freelancers choose to work from home. Sure, you can conduct your business in your slippers and catch up on that Netflix box set at lunchtime, but are you diligent enough to ignore the pile of dirty dishes or the persistent cat that wants to play?